The WELL Building Standard is a performance-based system for measuring, certifying, and monitoring features of the built environment that impact human health and wellbeing, through air, water, nourishment, light, fitness, comfort, and mind.
WELL is managed and administered by the International WELL Building Institute (IWBI), a public benefit corporation whose mission is to improve human health and wellbeing through the built environment. The WELL Building Standard is third-party certified by the Green Business Certification Incorporation (GBCI), which also administers the LEED certification program and the LEED professional credentialing program. WELL measures attributes of buildings that impact occupant health by looking at seven factors, or Concepts: Air, Water, Nourishment, Light, Fitness, Comfort, Mind.
Under The WELL Performance Verification Guidebook, performance verification of the building is required for WELL certification, it entails collecting on-site measurements, either through a site visit by a WELL Performance Testing Agent who completed training by The International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) and conducts performance tests, or, through permanently installed continuous monitors, followed by a Performance Review by a WELL Reviewer assigned by IWBI. Our project team with WELL professional credentials offers several consultancy towards achieving the WELL Certification.
