
“Go Green” is now not just a key discussion topic among decision-makers, but also a must-have item for sustainable growth of your company.

We believe that each individual, not only enterprise, has a vital role to play in social, environmental and economic well-being of Hong Kong and even the world. To fulfil this commitment, CMA Testing keeps investing and taking lead in different development of healthy communities to ensure a reliable, safe, cost-effective and eco-friendly environment for enterprises and consumers by providing energy-saving solutions and energy-management advice specifically tailored to each business.

Global climate change has long been a hot topic, and negotiations at the UN Climate Conference among countries are getting more and more expectation from citizens around the globe. Since emissions from China continued to rise in 2018 and 2019 even as much of the world began to phase out fossil fuels by switching to renewable energy, China’s President Xi Jinping reaffirmed the nation’s pledging steps for “2030 CO2 Emissions Peak Goal” and “2060 Carbon Neutrality” at the 2020 United Nations Climate Summit.

China has been drawn up action plans for achieving the two goals. On 1 February 2021, China’s national carbon market started operating, as mandated by “Measures for the Administration of National Carbon Emissions Trading (碳排放權交易管理辦法)”. It lays out how carbon emissions “allowances” are to be allocated, how trading should be conducted, and how measurement and verification should be done. And such national measures or policies are playing their effective role.

In its initial stage, the national ETS system (碳排放交易系統) covers China’s power sector, which accounts for approximately 30% of national emissions, with over 2,000 power-generation facilities enlisted. In time, industries such as cement, steel, aluminum, chemicals, and petrochemicals will be integrated. Many domestic and foreign companies would need to rely on supply chain companies for carbon accounting, while numerous financial institutions have made initiatives and commitments to combat climate change.

Carbon credit buying/collection in the market for business development in the field of negative carbon emissions lead potential investors to look into carbon credit trading platform, as well as renewable energy solution projects and services, including energy audit, clean technology consultancy, green building, waste management and resource recycling, etc.

CMA Testing is the pioneer in this area. Back in 2015, we held the Product Carbon Footprint Launching Ceremony with Government officials from Hong Kong SAR as guests. We have engaged in different carbon projects throughout these years since then. And we now have fruitful exposure and solid experience in this field. Partner up with DCx (DCx Decarbonisation Technologies Corporation Limited 碳控科技有限公司) in 2021, we are also building up the Greater-bay-area Blockchain Carbon Trade (GBCT) platform. By making use of the advantage of Security Tokenized Offering (STO), we would provide core services like Product Carbon Footprint Labelling (PCF label), Environmental, Social, Governance Labelling (ESG label), and Total Carbon Management to various carbon reduction projects, and ultimately consolidating carbon credits to project owners through the GBCT platform which is trusted by investors and stakeholders.

It is expected the platform will continue to grow with our business development and strategy by targeting to different government sectors and industries in Hong Kong.

  • Air Quality and Odour
    Air Quality and Odour
  • Water Testing and Monitoring
    Water Testing and Monitoring
  • Environmental and Green Services
    Environmental and Green Services
  • Sustainability and Carbon Management
    Sustainability and Carbon Management